Problem define

We want to find all the primes between 2~N, then how to find all the primes efficiently?

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Sieve of Eratosthenes method, is very efficient, the algorithm is:

  1. Create a list of consecutive integers from 2 through n: (2, 3, 4, …, n).
  2. Initially, let p equal 2, the first prime number.
  3. Starting from p, enumerate its multiples by counting to n in increments of p, and mark them in the list (these will be 2p, 3p, 4p, … ; the p itself should not be marked).
  4. Find the first number greater than p in the list that is not marked. If there was no such number, stop. Otherwise, let p now equal this new number (which is the next prime), and repeat from step 3.

And, there are some small tricks that could refine the algorithm. As a refinement, it is sufficient to mark the numbers in step 3 starting from p2, as all the smaller multiples of p will have already been marked at that point. This means that the algorithm is allowed to terminate in step 4 when p2 is greater than n.

Java code

The jave implement of Sieve of Eratosthenes is as:

	public static List<Integer> getPrimebyErichsenSieve(int range) {
		if (range < 2) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("range should >= 2");

		boolean[] isPrime = new boolean[range + 1];

		// init
		for (int i = 0; i <= range; i++) {
			isPrime[i] = true;

		isPrime[0] = false;
		isPrime[1] = false;

		// sieve
		for (int i = 2; i * i <= range; i++) {
			if (isPrime[i]) {
				for (int j = i * i; j <= range; j += i) {
					isPrime[j] = false;

		// collect results
		List<Integer> primeList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		for (int i = 0; i <= range; i++) {
			if (isPrime[i]) {

		return primeList;


Time complexity for Sieve of Eratosthenes is O(nloglogn), and Space complexity is O(n). O(nloglogn) is nearly a linear algorithm, and is much faster than the other function I wrote in the java code.

In the above java code, I also implemented another brute-force algorithm getPrimebySimpleMethod() to find primes, by running the algorithm to generate all primes between 0~1000000,

	// time for Erichsen Sieve, range: 1000000
	long startMili=System.currentTimeMillis();
	List<Integer> list3 = Primer.getPrimebyErichsenSieve(1000000);
	long endMili=System.currentTimeMillis();
	System.out.println("time:"+(endMili - startMili) + "ms");

	// time for simple method, range: 1000000
	List<Integer> list4 = Primer.getPrimebySimpleMethod(1000000);
	System.out.println("time:"+(endMili - startMili) + "ms");

we could see the running time differnece is:


Sieve of Eratosthenes is much better than getPrimebySimpleMethod() brute-force method.

For the above brute-force algorithm, the time complexity is: O(n3/2).

Complexity Analysis

For the O(nloglogn) analysis for Sieve of Eratosthenes, please refer to this and this.

I found it’s a little hard to write equation in YAML Markdown, so sorry for no equation in this post.

Because Sieve of Eratosthenes need O(n) Space complexity, so if you want to get a very very large range primes, you need to segment the range and process each segment separately, if not, you will run into out of memory.

Find the largest prime that less than given x

Sometimes maybe we need to find the largest prime less than a given number, such as x, then how to do this? Actually I have made some search and did not found perfect solution.

by using Sieve of Eratosthenes

By this method, we still find the primes from 2 to x, and until we found the largest prime that less than x. But remember that the space requirement is O(n), be careful for large x.

    public static int findLPTGbyES(int n) {
		if (n < 2) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("range should >= 2");

		boolean[] isPrime = new boolean[n + 1];

		// init
		for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
			isPrime[i] = true;

		isPrime[0] = false;
		isPrime[1] = false;

		int largestPrime = 2;
		// sieve
		for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
			if (isPrime[i]) {
				if (i >= n) {

				largestPrime = i;
				for (int j = 2 * i; j <= n; j += i) {
					isPrime[j] = false;

		return largestPrime;

Time complexity for this is O(nloglogn).

find largest prime from back-end

Begin from x - 1, check if x - 1 is a prime, if not, check x - 2, until find a prime. Time complexity for this method is O(n3/2).

	public static boolean isPrime(int num) {
		if (num < 2) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("num should >=2");

		if (num == 2) {
			return true;

		for (int i = 2; i * i <= num; i++) {
			if (num % i == 0) {
				return false;

		return true;
	public static int findLargestPrimeLessThanGivenNum(int n) {
		if (n < 2) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("range should >= 2");
		for (int i = n - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
			if (isPrime(i)) {
				return i;
		return 2;


Theoretically O(nloglogn) is much better than O(n3/2). but for small x, such as Integer.MAX_VALUE, in my experiment It seems find largest prime from back-end is faster, maybe this is because the x is relatively small for prime. Another point you need to pay attention is for using Sieve of Eratosthenes, the space complexity is O(n), be careful about your memory.

	// find largest prime by brute-force from back end
	int prime = Primer.findLargestPrimeLessThanGivenNum(1000000);
	System.out.println("largest prime: " + prime);
	System.out.println("time:"+(endMili - startMili) + "ms");

	// find largest prime by Erichsen Sieve
	int prime2 = Primer.findLPTGbyES(1000000);
	System.out.println("largest prime: " + prime2);
	System.out.println("time:"+(endMili - startMili) + "ms");

The test results:

largest prime: 999983
largest prime: 999983

Source Code

Source code is here.